24th – 26th September 2014, Madrid (Spain)


The European Thermoelectric Society (ETS) promotes the European Conferences in Thermoelectrics (ECT) as annual meetings among the scientist and enterprises involved in Thermoelectrics (TE). ECT 2014 wants to continue with the tradition of joining both the academic and industrial latest results to push forward the knowledge in TE materials, applications, designs, and tests. The attendees are welcome to Madrid in September 2014 to highlight the fundamentals of thermoelectricity, discuss devices processing, new thermoelectric materials, and applications from macro- to nano-scale.

Topics of interest

TE materials (Novel materials, Chalcogenides, Skutterudites, Oxides, etc)
Theoretical modeling
TE modules
TE measurements and characterization
System and Industrial applications


The conference will be held in the Central Headquarters of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), the largest public institution dedicated to research in Spain. The conference site is located in the center of Madrid.

Important Dates

15th April 2014 – Abstract submission due
15th April 2014 – Early registration fee
1st July 2014 – Notification of acceptance to authors
1st September 2014 – Manuscript submission deadline


Early registration (before 15th April 2014)

  • Early regular fee: 400 €
  • Early reduced fee for students 300 €

Late registration (after 15th April 2014)

  • Late regular fee: 450 €
  • Late reduced fee for students 350 €

Registration fee for attendees includes admission to all the scientific sessions, conference proceedings, coffee breaks, opening reception, working lunches, and gala dinner.

Accompanying person registration

  • 175 €: Registration fee for accompanying persons includes the opening reception, the gala dinner and a ticket to a touristic sightseeing city tour.


For any question, please contact: info@ectmadrd2014.com