Group News

Group News2025-02-03T19:38:48+01:00

Marisol Martín consigue la Medalla Margarita Salas, por un mentorazgo excelente

July 1st, 2024|Categories: News|

El Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), organismo dependiente el Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, ha celebrado hoy el acto de entrega de los Premios a la Supervisión

Cristina Vicente es invitada a reunión con la Ministra de Ciencia Diana Morant, como beneficiaria de convocatoria Consolidación Investigadora

June 24th, 2024|Categories: Group News|

La ministra de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Diana Morant, ha mantenido hoy un encuentro, en el Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid, con seis investigadores e investigadoras beneficiarios de las convocatorias

Visita al IMN del Dr. Ramón Cuadrado. Título de la charla: “Relativistic effects on the electronic structure of materials”

June 6th, 2024|Categories: News|

Gracias por la charla del Dr. Ramón Cuadrado de hoy en  @ImnCsic. Presentado por nuestro colega @lgvmz, nos ha dado una interesante visión general de su trabajo. ¡Pronto, más

Olga Caballero, miembro de tribunal de tesis de Juan Francisco Ferrer Crespo en la Faculta de Químicas de la Universidad de Valencia

May 28th, 2024|Categories: News|

Juan Francisco Ferrer Crespo defendido con gran éxito en la Facultat de Química UVEG su tesis doctoral, titulada "Sistemas híbridos de poliuretano/polihidroxiuretano a partir de precursores bicíclicos" y dirigida

  • 2020, Sept. Welcome to our group: Guillermo Paredes
  • 2017, Dec. Reference in the media journal El Mundo for the developed work in state-of-the-art thermoelectric materials
  • 2017, Nov. Dr. Olga Caballero is awarded with the 2nd Place in the Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting 2017, in Boston (USA), on the competition “Science as Art Competition
  • 2017, July.:
    • Begoña Abad received the Award for Extraordinary Doctoral Thesis 2015-2016 from Universidad Complutense de Madrid
    • PhD thesis defense of Jaime Pérez Taborda entitled “Alta eficiencia termoeléctrica en películas delgadas nanoestructuradas de SiGe, Cu2Se y Ag2Se depositadas por pulverización catódica” with a classification of Outstanding Cum-Laude
    • Publication of new Article in Advanced Materials Technologies, and its selection as the journal’s front cover
    • Welcome to our group: Rut Martínez
  • 2017, May. Symposium H: “Inorganic thermoelectrics – linking material properties and systems engineering for XXI century applications” organizers at E-MRS 2017 Spring Meeting
  • 2017, Apr. Dr. Olga Caballero was invited for a talk in the conference “Ciencia en primera persona“, at Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (MUNCYT)
  • 2016, Dec. Dra. Olga Caballero received a Ramón y Cajal fellowship
  • 2016, Nov. Welcome to our group: Rafael García
  • 2016, Oct. Marta Rull was invited for a talk at the LV Ceramic and Glass National Congress in Sevilla
  • 2016, Jun. Dr. Ruy Sanz obtained a position at INTA (Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial)
  • 2016, Mar. Dr. Marisol Martín received a Salvador Madariaga fellowship at MIT (Massachusetts, United States)
  • 2016, Febr. PhD thesis defense of Begoña Abad entitled “Thermal Transport Measurements of Thermoelectric Materials By The Photoacoustic Technique: From Bulk To Nano” with a classification of Outstanding Cum-Laude
  • 2016, Febr. PhD thesis defense of Marta Rull entitled “Nano-engineered Skutterudites for high performance thermoelectric energy conversion devices” with a classification of Outstanding Cum-Laude
  • 2015, Jun. PhD thesis defense of Miguel Muñoz entitled “Transport Property Measurements of Nanostructured Materials” with a classification of Outstanding Cum-Laude

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Calle de Isaac Newton, 8

Phone: +34 91 806 07 00


February 2025
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