Group News

Group News2024-06-03T12:35:48+02:00

Olga Caballero como modelo a seguir en #Microelectrónica, según el proyecto Ecove

May 20th, 2024|Categories: Group News, Outreach|

Role Model Profiles! Within the current microsite, we are showcasing identified role models that could help in forming people’s ideas, attitudes, and goals. Role models, whether they are well-known

Olga Caballero en el “Concurso de Nanocientíficas en 60 segundos”.

May 18th, 2024|Categories: Group News, Outreach|

El II Concurso de Nanocientíficas en 60 segundos es una actividad organizada por el Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM), CSIC, y está enmarcado en la IX Edición del Festival de Nanociencia

Charla invitada de Marisol Martín en el Instituto de Física Corpuscular.

April 18th, 2024|Categories: Group News, Outreach|

Los metamateriales son materiales artificiales especialmente diseñados para que presenten propiedades inusuales en la naturaleza. Están hechos a base de ensamblajes de múltiples elementos, a menudo metales y plásticos,

Entrevista a Marisol Martín en “Las #NanoInspiradoras: Mujeres que están revolucionando la nanotecnologia”

February 11th, 2024|Categories: Group News, Outreach|

Una serie de entrevistas llevadas a cabo por #10alamenos9 conmemorando el Día de la mujer y la niña en la ciencia 11F.

  • 2020, Sept. Welcome to our group: Guillermo Paredes
  • 2017, Dec. Reference in the media journal El Mundo for the developed work in state-of-the-art thermoelectric materials
  • 2017, Nov. Dr. Olga Caballero is awarded with the 2nd Place in the Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting 2017, in Boston (USA), on the competition “Science as Art Competition
  • 2017, July.:
    • Begoña Abad received the Award for Extraordinary Doctoral Thesis 2015-2016 from Universidad Complutense de Madrid
    • PhD thesis defense of Jaime Pérez Taborda entitled “Alta eficiencia termoeléctrica en películas delgadas nanoestructuradas de SiGe, Cu2Se y Ag2Se depositadas por pulverización catódica” with a classification of Outstanding Cum-Laude
    • Publication of new Article in Advanced Materials Technologies, and its selection as the journal’s front cover
    • Welcome to our group: Rut Martínez
  • 2017, May. Symposium H: “Inorganic thermoelectrics – linking material properties and systems engineering for XXI century applications” organizers at E-MRS 2017 Spring Meeting
  • 2017, Apr. Dr. Olga Caballero was invited for a talk in the conference “Ciencia en primera persona“, at Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (MUNCYT)
  • 2016, Dec. Dra. Olga Caballero received a Ramón y Cajal fellowship
  • 2016, Nov. Welcome to our group: Rafael García
  • 2016, Oct. Marta Rull was invited for a talk at the LV Ceramic and Glass National Congress in Sevilla
  • 2016, Jun. Dr. Ruy Sanz obtained a position at INTA (Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial)
  • 2016, Mar. Dr. Marisol Martín received a Salvador Madariaga fellowship at MIT (Massachusetts, United States)
  • 2016, Febr. PhD thesis defense of Begoña Abad entitled “Thermal Transport Measurements of Thermoelectric Materials By The Photoacoustic Technique: From Bulk To Nano” with a classification of Outstanding Cum-Laude
  • 2016, Febr. PhD thesis defense of Marta Rull entitled “Nano-engineered Skutterudites for high performance thermoelectric energy conversion devices” with a classification of Outstanding Cum-Laude
  • 2015, Jun. PhD thesis defense of Miguel Muñoz entitled “Transport Property Measurements of Nanostructured Materials” with a classification of Outstanding Cum-Laude

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July 2024
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