TITULO DEL PROYECTO: All day eLectricity production (AllLed)

Entidad financiadora: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Contract Number: CNS2022-135750
Duración desde-hasta: 01/07/2023 – 30/06/2025
Total concedido: 192.630€
Investigadores responsables: Dr. Cristina Vicente Manzano

TITULO DEL PROYECTO: Cooling for Electricity Production: Battery-free (COOLed)

Entidad financiadora: ERC-2022-COG
Contract Number: 101087974
Duración desde-hasta: 1/6/2023 – 31/5/2028
Total concedido: 2.000.000 €
Investigadores responsables: Dr. Cristina Vicente Manzano

TITULO DEL PROYECTO: MagnetIc 3D nAnowire networkS (MIDAS)

Contract Number: 101107507
DURACIÓN DESDE: 1/10/2023 HASTA: 31/09/2025
Total Concedido: €181,152.96€
INVESTIGADOR/A RESPONSABLE: Dra. Laura González Vivas & Prof. Marisol Martín González


TITULO DEL PROYECTO: Powering wearable devices by human heat with highly efficient, flexible, bio-inspired generators (PowerbyU)

Entidad financiadora: ERC-2021-ADG
Contract Number: 101052603
Duración desde-hasta: 3/10/2022 – 2/10/2027
Total concedido: 2.499.266 €
Investigadores responsables: Prof. Marisol Marín González

Cordis: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101052603/es

TITULO DEL PROYECTO: “2D Materials of Transition Metal Selenide (TMSe) for ELEctricity Production (2DLed)

Entidad financiadora: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Contract Number: EUR2022-134021
Duración desde-hasta: 1/12/2022 – 30/11/2024
Total concedido: 89646,15 €
Investigadores responsables: Dr. Cristina Vicente Manzano

TITULO DEL PROYECTO: Potenciando la eficiencia de materiales y dispositivos termoeléctricos por medio de aleaciones Heusler en lámina delgada (Thermheus)

Entidad financiadora: Mineco
Contract Number: TED2021-131746B-I00
Duración desde-hasta: 1/12/2022 – 30/11/2024
Total concedido: 130.000 €
Investigadores responsables: Dra. Olga Caballero-Calero y Prof. Alfonso Cebollada


TITULO DEL PROYECTO: MICRO-generador Termoeléctrico para obtener ENERGía portátil Y sostenible (microTENERGY)

Entidad financiadora: Ramón Areces
Contract Number: 
Duración desde-hasta: 12/5/2021 – 11/5/2024
Total concedido:
112.000 €
Investigadora responsable:
Dra. Olga Caballero-Calero


Entidad financiadora: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Contract Number: PID2020-118430GB-100
Duración desde-hasta: 1/9/2021 – 31/8/2024
Total concedido:
248.050 €
Investigadora responsable: Dra. Mª Soledad Martín González



Entity where project took place: Instituto de Micro y Nanotecnología, CSIC
Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI…): Prof. Marisol Martín
Funding Entity(ies): Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Investigación
Type of entity:
Code according to funder: EIN2020-112350
Nº of researchers: 1
Start-End date: 01/11/2020 – 21/10/2022
Duration:  2 years
Total amount: 9.000 €


Entity where project took place: Instituto de Micro y Nanotecnología, CSIC
Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI…): Olga Caballero Calero
Funding Entity(ies): Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Investigación
Type of entity:
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Investigación
Code according to funder: EIN2020-112227
Nº of researchers: 1
Start-End date: 01/10/2020 – 30/09/2021
Duration: 1 year
Total amount: 10.000 €

Name of the project: Metamaterial-Based Radiative Cooler: On the way to Energy-Free All-Day Cooling (MERITO). Ayudas a la atracción de talento investigador a la Comunidad de Madrid.

Entity where project took place: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Type of entity: State agency
City of entity: Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI…): Maria Cristina Vicente Manzano
Nº of researchers: 1
Start-End date: 01/04/2020 – 31/03/2024
Duration: 4 years
Total amount: 301.045 €

Name of the project: Elaboración propuesta ERC

Entity where project took place: Instituto de Micro y Nanotecnología, CSIC
Type of entity:
Entidad/es financiadora/s: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Investigación
Cód. según financiadora: 2020-112350

Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI…): Prof. Marisol Martín
Nº of researchers: 1
Start-End date: 01/10/2020 – 30/09/2021
Duration: 1 year
Total amount: 10.000 €

Name of the project: Metamaterial-Based Radiative Cooler: On the way to Energy-Free All-Day Cooling (MERITO). Ayudas a la atracción de talento investigador a la Comunidad de Madrid.

Entity where project took place: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Type of entity: State agency
City of entity: Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain
Name principal investigator (PI, Co-PI…): Maria Cristina Vicente Manzano
Nº of researchers: 1
Start-End date: 01/04/2020 – 31/03/2024
Duration: 4 years
Total amount: 301.045 €


TITULO DEL PROYECTO: Fabrication and Characterization of 2D transition metal selenides.

Entidad financiadora: CSIC
Contract Number:
Duración desde-hasta:
1/10/2019 – 31/9/2022
Total concedido:
100.000 €
Investigadora responsable:
Dra.  Mª Soledad Martín González


DEÑSIFy: Termoelectricos Nanoestructurados de Alta Figura de Merito Sinterizados en Frio

Financing Entity: MINECO
January 1, 2018
End: December 31, 2020
Reference: MAT2017-86450-C4-3-R
Funds Granted: 60.500 €
Responsible Researcher: Dra. Mª Soledad Martín González

TECONstruct: Thermoelectric characterization of nanostructures

Financing Entity: CSIC
January 1, 2018
End: December 12, 2019
Reference: I_LINK1231
Funds Granted:
Responsible Researcher: Dra. Olga Caballero Calero


Sistema de Propulsion Avanzado INtegrado 2017 (SPAIN)

Financing Entity: Repsol
End: 31/12/2017
Principal investigator:  Dr Marisol Martin González
Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. Olga Caballero-Calero


Titanium Oxide Nanocomposites for Scalable Optimized Perovskite Solar cells

Start: March 1, 2016
End: February 28, 2018
Reference: H2020-MSCA-IF-2015 Marie Curie
Funds Granted: 170.121,60 €
Responsible Researcher: Dra. Mª Soledad Martín González

The European commission recognizes the importance of nanotechnology, semiconductors and advanced materials as key enabling technologies. The application of functional nanostructured materials in industrial processes and advanced science is of capital and strategic importance for the European economy and society. Their inclusion as reliable, standard and affordable components will boost the competitiveness of European industry, specifically in the fabrication of 4th generation solar cells. Sensitized Perovskites Solar cells (PSC) represent advantages in terms of cost manufacturing, energy generation and integration in flexible and semitransparent devices. However, the viability of their mass scale fabrication is hindered by economic and technical difficulties. Some of these technical issues arise from inefficient infiltration of the perovskite absorber into a fragile mesoporous (mp) TiO2 layer. My project addresses these problems applying a recently developed straightforward method for secure TiO2 nanotube layers (TNL) to commodity thermoplastic polymers. This novel method combined with optimized solution synthesized perovskites will result in the production of flexible and pliable PSC. Specifically, I propose to produce a step change in the standardization and fabrication of functional nanostructured materials, and its implementation in optimized PSCs. Lastly, the study on the life cycle management and viability of the industrial production of these PSC will be evaluated in an innovative photovoltaic manufacture company, ONYX SOLAR. Hence, the project is designed to generate disruptive, but easily scalable technology that may be rapidly adopted by European industry to boost its competitiveness in functional nanostructured composites and 4th generation solar cells.


Commercialised Three-dimensional Nanoporous ALumIna Templates

Start: July 1, 2015
End: December 31, 2016
Reference: H2020: ERC-POC – Proof of Concept Grant
Funds Granted: 149.953 €
Responsible Researcher: Dra. Mª Soledad Martín González

One of the results obtained under the project nano-TEC (ERC-StG-240497) is an alumina template with three-dimensional nanopore architecture. This novel structure and its fabrication procedure have been the subject of a patent that has been recently filed. This structure has the novelty of being composed not only by vertically aligned pores, but also by tailor-controlled horizontal pores interconnecting them with their closest neighbour creating a three-dimensional net of nanopores. This template can also be used for the fabrication of highly ordered three-dimensional network of nanowires. Controlled and uniform assembly of nanowires with high scalability is still one of the major bottleneck challenges in fields such as energy harvesting, sensing, and device integration for electronics or catalysis. Moreover, since the spacing between horizontal interconnected nanopores is tuneable the colour of the alumina film can be controlled showing rainbow-like luminous colours that change with the angle of view, like in a Morpho butterfly wing. The work already undertaken under the nano-TEC project requires further investment in order to explore larger area, mass-production of these templates, for a further understanding of target markets and their limitations (regarding cost, aluminium purity, sizes, etc.). Finally, the objective will be to place some of the ERC-StG Nano-TEC results at market level.

INFANTE: Investigaciones sobre la fabricación y propiedades de nanoestructuras termoelectricas

Financing Entity: CSIC Intramural
July 1, 2015
End: December 31, 2019
Reference: 201550E072
Funds Granted: 269.794,56 €
Responsible Researcher: Dra. Mª Soledad Martín González


Tailoring electronic and phononic properties of nanomaterials: Towards ideal Thermoelectricity (nanoTHERM)

Financing Entity: MINECO, CONSOLIDER 2010-Ingenio
January 1, 2012
End: December 31, 2016
Reference: Ref: CSD2010-00044
Funds Granted: 385.333 €
Responsible Researcher: Dra. Clivia Sotomayor (CIN2)
Responsible Researcher Subproyect IMM: Dra. Mª Soledad Martín González

Providing a sustainable supply of energy to the world s population will become a major societal problem for the 21st century. Thermoelectric materials, whose combination of thermal, electrical, and semiconducting properties, allows them to convert waste heat into electricity, are expected to play an increasingly important role in meeting the energy challenge of the future. Recent work on the theory of thermoelectric devices has led to the expectation that their performance could be enhanced if the diameter of the wires could be reduced to a point where quantum confinement effects increase charge-carrier mobility (thereby increasing the Seebeck coefficient) and reduce thermal conductivity.
The predicted net effect of reducing diameters to the order of tens of nanometres would be to increase its efficiency or ZT index by a factor of 3. The objective of this five year proposal is to investigate and optimise the fabrication parameters influencing ZT in order to achieve a power conversion efficiency of >20%. For that, low dimensional nanowires arrays of state of art n and p-type materials will be prepared by cost-effective mass-production electrochemical methods. In order to obtained devices with a ZT >2 for application in energy scavenging and as cooler/heating devices, three approaches will be followed: a) determination of the best materials for each temperature range (n and p type) optimizing composition, microstructure, shapes (core/shell, nanowire surface texture, heterostructures), interfaces and orientations, b) advanced characterization, device development and modeling will be used iteratively during nanostructures and materials optimization, and c) nano-engineering less conventional thermoelectric like cage compounds by electrodeposition methods. This proposal aims to generate a cutting edge project in the thermoelectric field and, if successful, a more efficient way to harness precious, but nowadays wasted energy.

PHOtoacoustic MEasurements of Nanostructures for Thermoelectric Applications (PHOMENTA)

Financing Entity: MINECO
January 1, 2012
End: December 31, 2015
Reference: MAT2011-27911
Funds Granted: 150.000 € + FPI Fellowship
Responsible Researcher: Dra. Mª Soledad Martín González

Providing a sustainable supply of energy to the world’s population will become a major societal problem for the 21st century. Thermoelectric materials, whose combination of thermal, electrical, and semiconducting properties, allows them to convert waste heat into electricity, are expected to play an increasingly important role in meeting the energy challenge of the future. Recent work on the theory of thermoelectric devices has led to the expectation that their performance could be enhanced if the diameter of the wires could be reduced to a point where quantum confinement effects increase charge-carrier mobility (thereby increasing the Seebeck coefficient) and reduce thermal conductivity. The predicted net effect of reducing diameters to the order of tens of nanometres could increase its efficiency or ZT index by a factor of 3.

The objective of this three year proposal is to develop an experimental set-up able to measure the thermal conductivity of nanowire arrays, films and bulk thermoelectric to optimize the fabrication parameters. This is a key role in order to obtain future devices with a ZT >2 for applications in energy scavenging and as cooler/heating devices, which is the main objective of the ERC starting grant the group holds. For this purpose, an indirect method based on the photoacoustic effect will be implemented in our lab during the duration of this project. This set-up will allow us to characterize, in a non-destructive way, the thermal conductivity of all these types of samples without the need of an electrical or thermal contact.

Electrochemically deposited bismuth telluride

Financing Entity: Enterprise Nextreme Thermal (USA)
End: 2012
Principal investigator: Dra. Mª Soledad Martín González
Co-Principal investigator: Dra. Olga Caballero-Calero


Nano-structured High-efficiency Thermo-Electric Converters (nanoHITEC)

Financing Entity: European Union NMP.2010-1.2-3 Thermoelectric energy (TE) converters based on nanotechnology
December 1, 2011
End: DNovember 30, 2014
Reference: 263306 (10 partners)
Funds Granted: 342.652 €
Responsible Researcher: Dr. H. Rorhmmann (Oerlicon company, Lienchenstain)
Responsible Researcher Subproyect IMM: Dra. Mª Soledad Martín González

The NanoHiTEC project is focused on planar thermo-electric converters based on super-lattice quantum wells, which have shown on laboratory scale already a figure of merit ZT > 4 for a wide temperature range. The optimization of BiTe based layer systems as well as Si/SiGe and B4C/B9C lattices will be combined with the development of low cost/high throughput industrial deposition processes for multilayers. Direct p-n-junctions at the hot side of the converter promise further increase in performance and long term stability of the devices, but also simplified fabrication. As technologies for improved material performance multilayered nanowires and sintered nanopowders will be investigated.
A central point of NanoHiTEC is the optimization of the passive components (thermal and electrical contacts, substrates) and of new geometries for the layout of planar converters to maximize the system efficiency. In this field particular emphasis is given to the heat flow into the hot and out of the cold side of the active elements where actual devices show the most efficiency loss.
The developments in the project are backed by partners experienced in the qualification of thermo-electric materials and devices. Besides the parameters defining the thermoelectric performance – measured in a wide range of temperatures, pressures and magnetic fields – the microstructure, dopant distribution and the inner potentials will be investigated by scanning microscopy and TEM (holography).
A major part of the project is the simulation of electronic and phononic properties based on the material microstructure. Intense interaction of theoretical work and characterization results of fabricated systems will pave the way for further enhanced material efficiency and better producibility. A main target is the integration in automotive applications where the high efficiency of superlattice systems over a broad temperature range promises good adaptation to the varying conditions in vehicles.

NANOHITEC: 2011-12-01
5.287.380 €
Small or medium-scale focused research project: 2011-12-01
Execution 3.750.000 €

Next Generation Nano-engineered Thermoelectric Converters – from concept to industrial validation (NEXTEC)

Financing Entity: European Union NMP.2010-1.2-3 Thermoelectric energy (TE) converters based on nanotechnology
June 1, 2011
End: May 31, 2014
Reference: 285.950 €
Funds Granted: 150.000 € + FPI Fellowship
Responsible Researcher: Prof. M. Mammoun (KTH Sweeden)
Responsible Researcher Subproyect IMM: Dra. Mª Soledad Martín González

Thermoelectric (TE) materials are semiconductor materials that can convert waste heat to electrical energy or utilizing electrical energy can cause a cooling/heating effect. The efficiency of any TE material is determined by the figure of merit-ZT, which is defined as ZT = S2cT/k, where S is Seebeck coefficient, c is the electrical conductivity, k is the thermal conductivity, and T is the absolute temperature. Since S, c, and k are all interdependent material properties, increasing ZT is not a straight-forward matter of material choice, but involves smart design of material interfaces. In the case of cooling, heat has to be pumped via electron (n-type TE) and hole (p-type TE) carriers from the cold to the warm end. In order to increase the performance efficiency of such a pumping, the thermal conductivity of both types of TE, which is responsible for the reverse heat conduction from the warm to cold end, should be reduced. In this project, the key strategy is to use Nanotechnology to improve ZT of promising TE materials in the bulk form. Therefore, this project will allow further steps of processing materials into module/devices which can be actually tested in industry. Based on the identified interesting applications and materials, the current module/device technology will also be developed during the project. As a result, novelty exists in the Material concept, Module/device concept, and Application concept, which constitutes this project a comprehensive effort in the field of TEs. Due to the absence of a module utilizing skutterudite materials (which is mainly for energy generation), achievement of the project objectives will represent a significant step in the industrialization of thermoelectric energy generators. The main objective of this project is to further develop bulk NS TE materials with even higher TE performance (ZT greater than 1.5-3), which can be processed into TE modules/devices and actually demonstrated for interesting applications. Bulk NS skutterudites and their nanocomposites display a maximum ZT in the temperature range 200-600 °C, which makes them well suited for the generation of electricity from waste heat. The potential applications for waste heat recovery mainly include car exhaust pipes, industrial materials processing. Appropriately modified conventional TE modules will be fabricated using the new bulk material and subjected to rigorous laboratory testing in order to characterize their TE performance. For applications to car exhaust a target yield of 0.5 W/cm2 is expected to ensure the technological viability of such devices. Due to the availability of commercial modules in the market, the main focus of the project efforts will be guided towards skutterudite module development.

Nevertheless improvements material properties of bulk NS bismuth telluride will be investigated in this project. Conventional TE module/device technology can be directly used for NS bulk bismuth telluride. The NEXTEC project proposes to develop new TE generators with high efficiency which may allow introduction of a new generation of economically viable, simple and robust renewable energy devices for geothermal and thermosolar sectors. In addition, at this moment the European Commission is aware that the share of renewable energy is growing too slowly. In these conditions, the development of the energy efficiency technologies like the ones proposed by the NEXTEC project, rise in importance as they contribute to a cleaner energy, may prove cheaper than the development of new renewable energy technologies, and offer the time necessary for advance of the alternative sources. The main advantage of the new TE modules developed during NEXTEC is that they can be used as efficient energy harvesters with high thermal to electrical conversion yield in a wide range of applications where enormous thermal losses occur: automotive, aerospace, most of industrial/transformation processes. This technology will ensure an enhancement of the energetic efficiency in all the selected applications. Moreover, achieving highly efficient thermoelectric modules will allow reaching coefficient of performance better than those of actual technologies.

Benefits in energy consuming of cooling applications (domestic and industrial) will be obtained. The improvements foreseen by the project could have an important share at speeding the market spread and the industry integration of these devices.

  • Kungliga Tekniska Hoegskolan (KTH) Sweden,
  • National Center For Scientific Research “DEMOKRITOS” Greece
  • Cidete Ingenieros SL Spain
  • NPL Management LTD UK
  • Centro Tecnico De Seat SA Spain
  • Electrolux AB Sweden
  • Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) Spain
  • Acondicionamiento Tarrasense Associacion (LEITAT) Spain
  • Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft Zur Foerderung Der Angewandten Forschung EV Germany
  • Siemens AG Germany
  • Babrow Consultants LTD (exit Date April 2012) UK
  • PANCO- Physikalische Technik Anlagenentwicklung & Consulting GmbH Germany


IRES: International Collaboration on Fabrication and Characterization of Nanocrystalline Bismuth Telluride Materials for Thermoelectric Applications

Financing Entity: US National Science Foundation (NSF) program
September 1, 2010
End: August 31, 2013
Reference: IRES/DDEP award number: 1028071
Funds Granted: $149.640 (2 partners)
Responsible Researcher: Dra. Diana Borca-Tasciuc (Rensselaer University, NY, USA)
Responsible Researcher Subproyect IMM: Dra. Mª Soledad Martín González

The European commission recognizes the importance of nanotechnology, semiconductors and advanced materials as key enabling technologies. The application of functional nanostructured materials in industrial processes and advanced science is of capital and strategic importance for the European economy and society. Their inclusion as reliable, standard and affordable components will boost the competitiveness of European industry, specifically in the fabrication of 4th generation solar cells. Sensitized Perovskites Solar cells (PSC) represent advantages in terms of cost manufacturing, energy generation and integration in flexible and semitransparent devices. However, the viability of their mass scale fabrication is hindered by economic and technical difficulties. Some of these technical issues arise from inefficient infiltration of the perovskite absorber into a fragile mesoporous (mp) TiO2 layer. My project addresses these problems applying a recently developed straightforward method for secure TiO2 nanotube layers (TNL) to commodity thermoplastic polymers. This novel method combined with optimized solution synthesized perovskites will result in the production of flexible and pliable PSC. Specifically, I propose to produce a step change in the standardization and fabrication of functional nanostructured materials, and its implementation in optimized PSCs. Lastly, the study on the life cycle management and viability of the industrial production of these PSC will be evaluated in an innovative photovoltaic manufacture company, ONYX SOLAR. Hence, the project is designed to generate disruptive, but easily scalable technology that may be rapidly adopted by European industry to boost its competitiveness in functional nanostructured composites and 4th generation solar cells.

Nano-engineered high performance Thermoelectric Energy Conversion devices (Nano-TEC)

Financing Entity: European Union (ERC Starting Grant)
March 1, 2010
End: February 28, 2016
Reference: ERC-StG-240497
Funds Granted: 1.228.000 €
Responsible Researcher: Dra. Diana Borca-Tasciuc (Rensselaer University, NY, USA)
Responsible Researcher Subproyect IMM: Dra. Mª Soledad Martín González

Providing a sustainable supply of energy to the world s population will become a major societal problem for the 21st century. Thermoelectric materials, whose combination of thermal, electrical, and semiconducting properties, allows them to convert waste heat into electricity, are expected to play an increasingly important role in meeting the energy challenge of the future. Recent work on the theory of thermoelectric devices has led to the expectation that their performance could be enhanced if the diameter of the wires could be reduced to a point where quantum confinement effects increase charge-carrier mobility (thereby increasing the Seebeck coefficient) and reduce thermal conductivity.
The predicted net effect of reducing diameters to the order of tens of nanometers would be to increase its efficiency or ZT index by a factor of 3. The objective of this five year proposal is to investigate and optimize the fabrication parameters influencing ZT in order to achieve a power conversion efficiency of 20%. For that, low dimensional nanowires arrays of state of art n and p-type materials will be prepared by cost-effective mass-production electrochemical methods. In order to obtained devices with a ZT >2 for application in energy scavenging and as cooler/heating devices, three approaches will be followed: a) determination of the best materials for each temperature range (n and p type) optimizing composition, microstructure, shapes (core/shell, nanowire surface texture, heterostructures), interfaces and orientations, b) advanced characterization, device development and modeling will be used iteratively during nanostructures and materials optimization, and c) nano-engineering less conventional thermoelectric like cage compounds by electrodeposition methods. This proposal aims to generate a cutting edge project in the thermoelectric field and, if successful, a more efficient way to harness precious, but nowadays wasted energy.


First steps towards the integration of nanowire arrays on practical thermoelectrics devices for Energy applications (NANOTHERMA)

November 1, 2009
End: July 31, 2013
Reference: PLE2009-0073 (2 partners)
Funds Granted: 246.000 €
Responsible Researcher: Dra. Mª Soledad Martín González

The European commission recognizes the importance of nanotechnology, semiconductors and advanced materials as key enabling technologies. The application of functional nanostructured materials in industrial processes and advanced science is of capital and strategic importance for the European economy and society. Their inclusion as reliable, standard and affordable components will boost the competitiveness of European industry, specifically in the fabrication of 4th generation solar cells. Sensitized Perovskites Solar cells (PSC) represent advantages in terms of cost manufacturing, energy generation and integration in flexible and semitransparent devices. However, the viability of their mass scale fabrication is hindered by economic and technical difficulties. Some of these technical issues arise from inefficient infiltration of the perovskite absorber into a fragile mesoporous (mp) TiO2 layer. My project addresses these problems applying a recently developed straightforward method for secure TiO2 nanotube layers (TNL) to commodity thermoplastic polymers. This novel method combined with optimized solution synthesized perovskites will result in the production of flexible and pliable PSC. Specifically, I propose to produce a step change in the standardization and fabrication of functional nanostructured materials, and its implementation in optimized PSCs. Lastly, the study on the life cycle management and viability of the industrial production of these PSC will be evaluated in an innovative photovoltaic manufacture company, ONYX SOLAR. Hence, the project is designed to generate disruptive, but easily scalable technology that may be rapidly adopted by European industry to boost its competitiveness in functional nanostructured composites and 4th generation solar cells.